Friday, April 13, 2007

Mummy's Home!

Every afternoon I wait for the tinkle of the phone...

This means that Mummy is on her way home from work! Gonggong will put the earpiece to my ear while Mummy tells me she'll be back soon. After she hangs up, we'll head downstairs to keep an eye out for Mummy's car turning into the carpark.

Yay! Mummy's home!! I'm so glad she's back, she must have had a tiring day at work, but no matter, because my smile will surely brighten up her day! Heh heh Heh!

Without fail, she'll always pick me up and ask me if I've been a good girl all day. And guess what? I'll always respond to Mummy with a kiss on her cheek.. mmmmuack!

That's me, happy as can be as I catch sight of Mummy!

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