Saturday, December 09, 2006

Movie "Premiere"


Daddy's gone fishing with Uncle T today, so Mummy decided we were gonna watch my first movie with Aunty B and Mama.

Off we went to Vivocity to get tickets. Mummy had lunch at Carl's Jr right next to the GV cinema. Woah! The Saturday afternoon queue for tickets was really long.

The movie was supposed to start at 6.10pm but by 6.15pm, they did not even let us in. There was a big crowd gathered at the entrance. A nice young man explained that there had been a technical glitch during the previous movie, and as a result, the show hadn't ended yet. So our show was delayed.

While waiting, I decided I was ready for dinner. So, Mama whipped out her trusty Thermos of porridge and began to feed me. I must have seemed really adorable to the adults around, cos a nice uncle took out a balloon from his bag, blew it up and twisted it into a poodle and gave it to me there and then! I luuurve balloons. Can't resist sinking my teeth into them, even with my mouth full of porridge. Hehehee..

Mid-dinner, they started to let us into the theatre. Good thing I got to finish the rest of my meal in front of the gigantic screen while the commercials were playing, cos it was getting really crowded and warm in the lobby.

This being my first time at the cinema, I was really impressed with the HUGE screen and the surround sound. I could not keep my eyes off the screen.

Er... ok, a quick smile for the camera before the movie starts then.

Soon, the movie started.

As you can see, I was simply enthralled by the show. Mumble the Penguin was really cute. Mummy promised she'd take me to see REAL penguins in Melbourne when I'm slightly older. Oooh! I can hardly wait!

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